First the Robing- Dolores’ judicial gown and lace collar ala RBG!

I love how the pearl earrings complete the look. I’ve still got two other collars to finish, but she seems pretty happy with this one, so we’re good for now 🙂
And in the Disrobing category, we’ve got Esther, who gave up her fleece earlier this week-

And now she’s a white sheep again! I haven’t sorted her wool yet, but there is a whole lot of it- maybe 10 pounds?

Out in the hoophouse, seedlings are mostly potted up- and there are a lot of them!

Potato sprouts in the feed beds are starting to pop up too! Carrots, parsnips, snap peas are sown in the raised beds, and broccoli starts already planted out. Feels like things are moving really fast this spring-
Delores’ collar is just wonderful. And I think she looks great in it. The hoop house garden is coming along nicely. And that is a lot of wool for you!
thanks Donna. Dolores still brings her own style to the outfit, with the crazy purple glasses, but the lace collar softens her a bit 🙂 Now that all the seedlings are potted up, its clear that I’m going to have lots of extra tomatoes! If you want some let me know- they should be a decent size in a couple of weeks I think
We might want some. I noticed today that some of our seedlings died from too much heat. I will let you know.