We got the rest of the groundposts driven this weekend, wrapping up phase 1 of the project. Doesn’t look like much yet, but hopefully we’ve laid a decently square and level base that will set us up for success going forward-

Phase 2 means getting the hoops themselves assembled and securing them in the ground posts. So that should be exciting.
Not much woolwork happening here today- all the sledgehammering really took it out of me yesterday. But I do have a little something going to keep my hands busy- I ripped back my garter stitch “meantime” cowl that I cast on a month or so ago and decided that brioche stitch would be a better way to show off the color combination

And out in the pasture the sheeps (and chickens) are still enjoying apples. I thought I’d be able to rotate this video in youtube, but apparently you can’t do that anymore. Sorry about that- but it’s still cute enough that I wanted to share 🙂
Such a cool bunch of critters.
That’s all I’ve got for now- have a good week!
That was a cute video. Congratulations on phase 1!
Thanks Donna- really hoping that subsequent phases will move a little more quickly!
I have yet to try brioche, but your project is beautiful!
thanks Michelle- I love brioche. It’s a nice thick and cushy stitch. I think this is the first time I’ve tried using two colors.