Today the Man and I watched the Seahawks from the kitchen as he made little pizzas. They are off to an amazing start- 4 and 0!

I helped prep toppings and such, but The Man is now the uncontested king of dough on the homestead, and makes a mighty fine crispy crust.
It started out a couple months ago with yeasted breads- ciabatta, baguettes. But he has recently developed an interest in sourdough-

And has even ventured into sweet territory with these killer cinnamon rolls

It’s such a treat to have fresh bread. I especially enjoy it toasted in the morning with eggs from my chicken friends.
Speaking of chicken friends, I wanted to give a shout out to Yellow Chig, who has finally stopped feeling broody and was up to coming out for a bit of a walkaround the other day.

She spent a little time checking out my work on the hoophouse site and enjoying some fresh grass, but is pretty happy these days just hanging loose in her independent living condo, away from the pressures of the pecking order.

I’m thinking that once we get the hoophouse constructed I will be able to find a nice spot in there for her to overwinter.
I did get a bit of knitting done this week- haven’t jumped into the big project (Alcott vest) yet, but am biding my time with another hat, Mountain and Valley (though I have to say I have taken some liberties with the pattern)

That’s Fiona yarn again, but this time paired with a polwarth and silk blend in a tarnished copper penny-ish colorway. The different colors aren’t coming through as clearly as I hoped, but it might be that I spun it too fine and the different shades got a bit muddled. I might spin the remaining 6 oz a bit thicker. But in any case it does still give a warm brown/gold contrast to Fiona’s light fawn. And it is marvelously soft.
Hope to have more hoophouse progress to share next week- take care, and stay safe!
All the baked goodies look amazing. I am sure you already know that today is Kanelbullensdag (Cinnamon Bun Day)! I didn’t make buns this year though.
Thanks Donna- I did not know that- We might have to celebrate with some more buns tomorrow! 🙂
Yellow Chig looks like she would fit right in with my crew. Love those broody Buff Orpingtons!
You all are so busy in the kitchen and out.
I am a baker at heart. Love those cinnamon rolls!
Sweet hat❤️Fiona has certainly gotten around this year. I am working on my fingerless mitts and actively trying to talk myself out of adding some sheep to the mix one last time.
thanks Goatldi- I find that staying busy helps keep me from being overwhelmed by the news cycle. Helps to have some positive things to focus on. Yellow Chig is such a sweet old girl. Thinking she must be at least 6 now-