The Layton-ish project is joined at the underarms and starting to grow shoulders!

And I have mapped out how the sleeve and body decreases should be placed in order to most closely approximate the shaping of the Layton pattern.

Once I got that sorted out, I revisited the EZ seamless saddle shoulder instructions, and realized that I’d forgotten about the final step – the short rows at the back of the neck.
The EZ saddle shoulder has you knit short rows a the back of the neck after completing the saddles- eating up half of the saddle stitches. I can’t do that because the stitch detail on the sleeve is supposed to run up the mock-turtleneck collar. So I’ve opted to incorporate short rows earlier in the shoulder shaping to create extra height in the back, effectively tipping the whole upper chest forward and raising the back by about 1.25 inches before I get to working the saddles.
Feeling good about the plan at this point. The math checks out, so here we go!
Wow- that looks complicated!
Actually it feels less complicated to me now that it’s on paper and I can visualize how it’s going to play out. Was driving me crazy when it was just bouncing around in my brain. 🙂