Look what came in the mail on Thursday! New bobbins for Elsa 🙂

I’d been missing spinning on her since I sent her flyer assembly away for bobbin fitting, and so have been spending a little time getting reacquainted and trying out her new accessories.

I really like spinning on her. She’s smooth and steady- with a firm (but not aggressive) take up. So that’s been fun.
In knitting news, I’m now focusing my energies on getting ready for the Bow Holiday market, which is coming up fast (Dec 7).
So I’m knitting hats, spinning up some fun color combinations

and trying out a new charted pattern to determine it’s headband/hat potential- Norwegian Rose

And the inside-

Yep. Lined for extra toasty-ness. Winter is coming!
Where did you get your bobbins from? I obviously need more bobbins for my antique wheel but would be terrified to send away my current flyer (which is quite fragile) or my one and only bobbin. You are way ahead of me getting ready for the Holiday Festival. I need to try to catch up!
I had them made by Hayes Rutherford (cheapskin on Ravelry). He’s in Idaho. I’m always nervous about sending things like that in the mail, but he was the closest person I could find to make them, so I packed it up securely and shipped it out (insured). Was very relieved when it came back back safe and sound