More felty fun in the works- I’ve been working on a chicken pattern, and I think I’m finally on the right track. Here is my prototype-

This one is in some quilted cotton from the fabric stash- since I didn’t want to waste any handmade felt in the design stages. The head will look decidedly more chicken-y once it has a beak and comb, but those are add-ons after the primary assembly. Bok bok!
I’ve also got a couple more lamb puppets newly assembled, waiting to get their faces and other styling. One Shetland and one Border Leicester-

Am so excited about making up a bunch of these guys in different natural colors.
And in real, live sheep news, I’m happy to report that Daphne seems to be getting along nicely with the rest of the gang. Here they all are enjoying some apple branches the other evening-

And, she actually came up and took some alfalfa pellets from my hand yesterday and let me scritch her on the top of her head. Such a sweetie 🙂
Yay for friendly sheep! And all your creations are so cute; I don’t know how you find time to do all your creative stuff!