Today’s big accomplishment

That’s about 2 yards of finished compost. Black gold. Many thanks to chickens and sheep who make most of the ingredients 🙂
Then we turned the next batch to aerate it so it will keep on cooking.

Thankfully I got some tractor help from The Man to make this happen.
Feels good to have the compost managed and back under control. It had been taken over by weeds and hadn’t been turned probably since last fall sometime, so it was definitely due.
In other news, it feels like I’ve got a broody chicken epidemic.
These three girls are all trying to sit on the same bunch of eggs
Pretty sure that these eggs have been set upon continuously for about two weeks now by one, two or three of these girls, so we might be in for another hatch next weekend.
Welsie’s brood of five babies are getting bigger by the day- but it might be a bit before they are ready to get transitioned into the shed with the gen pop.

And I’m still spinning up the best of Frank and Felix- about another 300 yards this week- pictured drying out by the raspberries this afternoon.

Looks like maybe I didn’t get quite as much ply twist into this batch, but it’s hard to tell for sure until it’s completely dry. Hmmm.
And I’m afraid I might have spoken too soon about knitting up “Forest” without any mods. I read ahead in the pattern , and realized that as written, the sweater has armholes that are only about 5.75″ deep. That’s not going to work for these thick, compost shoveling shoulders, but hopefully won’t be too big a deal to alter. 🙂
I’ll sign off with a picture of today’s peony harvest- I’ll be taking these in to work tomorrow to share with friends and coworkers.

Great post! I have a matching compost but in more disregard then yours.
Love the Peonies too.
Love the spinning, of course, and the peonies are gorgeous!