The long holiday weekend offered me a chance to get a little woolwork done, and I took it!
I went back to the stash to see what would jump out at me, and was reminded that I still had a little over a pound of Edgar Fall 2011 fleece in reserve.
It was so nice to spend some time picking
and then carding
this gift from my dear departed buddy, and reflecting upon how thankful I am for all my critters, past and present.
I have about 3 ounces or so left to pick/card, and no particular project in mind yet, but I think that once the Holiday Market is in the rearview mirror I’ll start spinning it- I’m thinking probably a 2ply dk weight for a sweater or vest of some sort.
In anticipation of the market next Saturday I’ve been working up some more singles in natural shades- these guys are fresh off the wheel and still need to be washed and thwacked
It seemed only fitting to continue the ovine theme into my first round of holiday baking-
Oh how I love me some Springerle 🙂
I also wanted to share my excitement about these cool new rubber boots I just picked up.
Really. Boot excitement. Unreasonable boot excitement.
(this is not a paid advertisement, I promise)
Springy, with arch support and a very comfy, secure fit, but not tight around the ankle.
And the traction is awesome. Just got them, so I can’t speak to how they’ll hold up, but I tell you what- they feel amazing.
Grundens Deck Boss.
Edgar’s fiber is looking great. Love the Springerle and totally jealous of those boots!
Thanks Donna. It carded up really nice, and has such a nice rich color. I picked the boots up at Oliver Hammer in S-W. A lucky local find!
So many pretty things in this post, plus BOOTS (sucker for good boots here)!
thanks Michelle. I’m a sucker for good boots too. as soon as I slipped these on I knew I had a winner!