The loom is dressed! I managed to get it all done fairly quickly this time, but no pictures (sorry). Only one minor setback along the way- once I had the pre-sleyed reed back on the loom and had attached the warp to the rod on the back beam, I realized that I had miscounted when winding the warp on my board. One of the dark stripes only had 4 threads instead of 8! So I had to wind off 4 more lengths of dark green warp and insert it int he right spot. But besides that it was pretty smooth.
No real pattern or plan for this weave. Just more playing around with twill.
After evaluating weft options, I decided on using my Sister Jean (of Marietta Shetlands) yarn. It’s a very soft, creamy white that I think will work well with the two shades of green. And i think I probably have enough of it to use it for the whole piece (only about 3 yards).
And so we’re off!
This is probably the widest piece I’ve done so far. Just about the widest that the loom can accommodate.
I especially like this perspective
Something about the zigging and zagging and the furrows they create that I find very pleasing.
In other news, I continue to make progress on Candelaria, and really need to do another try on to make sure that we’re still on track. I’ve put the sleeve stitches on holders and am working down the body, but it’s scrunched up on the circular needle and so it’s hard to tell if the gauge I’m getting in plain stockinette is consistent with that of the colorwork yoke.
So maybe that will be today’s thing- getting it off the needles and doing a quick steam block and try on to see how it’s shaping up.
Today’s other thing will be attending to post-storm cleanup out in the yard. Had a medium size tree from next door fall into our side yard (thankfully didn’t hit anything) that will need to be chopped up and hauled off.
That was really the only big bit that fell anywhere on the property. The rest was mostly small debris, but a pretty good quantity in all, as we’ve got quite a few trees.
I decided to try and use some of the fallen fir branches out in the pasture for mud control along the border of Dottie’s enclosure, since it is getting a lot of hoof traffic on both sides and the grass is all worn down. It seemed like they might form a nice resilient but permeable mat to keep the area from getting too mucky.
Worth a try anyway-