Author: denisemor

Of Sheeps and Skeins

So I think I forgot to show you how the little estonian sheep puppet turned out!


Isn’t he a cutie?


It occurred to me that you could do so many different things with these little sheeps. So many different styles and characters-
I’ve had this really lovely book for a few years now that I’ve been wanting to make something from,


and I found a great floral chart to make a very girly puppet


So pretty. Just needs ears, stuffing and some features. Hopefully complete by next week.

In other sheepy news, I am pleased to report that my boy Edgar is doing better. My current theory, as weird as it sounds, is that this is somehow related to him eating chicken poops, so I’ve been trying to keep areas around the shed cleared where the droppings tend to accumulate. Perhaps that will help break this nasty habit.

And I have a little Skein show and tell- I took my first batch of Bambam out for a photoshoot in the garden-



Sadie the sunshine pup says- have a great week!


Bits and Bobs

Just a random assortment of updates from the homestead today.

Edgar: Edgar is doing ok. Some days better than others (and evenings better than mornings?). He is about done with me fussing over him, though- so I’m trying to respect his personal space and just let him be.


Moto: I’ve been logging a fair bit of time on Mr. Moto spinner, getting a feel for his range of speeds. He’s awesome. Here is a bit of Frank/Felix sportweight-ish two ply I just finished up.


(My other wheels are probably starting to feel a bit neglected.)

Chickens: Baby chickens are growing up so fast! Their mama is still doing an awesome job of taking care of them. If you need a baby chicken fix, here is the live feed

Wool-work: It’s been good fleece washing weather, so I’ve been trying to get in a batch here and a batch there. This weekends washup was Bambam from Schoonover Farm. Bambam had a rough year (complications from castration last fall) but came through it and grew an amazingly soft and fine fleece over the winter.


I’ve also washed up about half of Dottie, and all of Frank and Felix that was left after heavy skirting. So nice to be able to dry things outside in the sunshine!

Etsy Shop: Is going to be deactivated as of May 17, because they have changed their seller policies and are requiring shops to use their direct payment functionality. So if you are interested in yarn or other woolen goods, you can see what I’ve got going over on my Farm Stand page. We’re going to keep this real simple and casual. If you see something you are interested in, just complete the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

Cheepers by the Dozen

It turns out there are 12 baby chickens, not 11!

I could sit and watch them for hours, so
here is a little footage of them learning how to dust bath-

Only about a week old, but they seem more mature than I remember our farmstore chicks being at the same age.
I think having an attentive mama (instead of a heat lamp) must help.
Go figure, eh? 🙂

Happy early Mother’s Day!

The Rest of the Post

I finally got brave today and decided to move Big Mama chicken and her brood to more suitable quarters.

It was only once I lifted her off her nest that I realized there were many more chicks than I thought!

She has 11 babies, three yet unhatched eggs, and one that was in the process of breaking out of it’s shell during the move.
Sadly, I found one deceased chick in the nest.

But it seems that everyone has settled into the new spot, so I’m pleased. I think that they will be safer and comfier there (fingers crossed)

In other news, Edgar is having problems again. He hasn’t fallen (as far as a I know), but he’s clearly not feeling well.
I’ve given him a vitamin/mineral/electrolyte supplement that seemed help him come around last time, and I’m hoping that he will rebound and be his normal charismatic self again soon.

Progress continues on the Estonian Sheep puppet- drying after being washed and blocked,


Have to think some about what kind of eyes to make. The facial features are what really makes or breaks these guys.

And I did a quick chain ply on the lovely Malabrigo from SLC to preserve the color transitions:


pretty pretty pretty.