Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Bow Market Holiday Festival yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I was able to find good homes for quite a few hats and six of my sheep puppet friends!
I chatted with a couple of folks who were interesting in learning how to spin or aspired to have some sheep of their own someday, and wished I had brought some brochures for the WSU Country Living Expo with me, so just in case those folks find their way to the blog I’ll post a link here-
WSU Country Living Expo, Saturday, January 25, 2020
I’ll be teaching two classes again this year-
Basics of Wool Processing (2 hour class, sessions 1&2) – We’ll talk about skirting, washing, drying, and in the second hour lay hands on washed fleece to get some experience with picking, carding and combing.
Yarn From Scratch: Handspinning on a Wheel (2 hour class, sessions 4&5). This class with include a brief intro to wheel mechanics and tuneup session on wheels brought to class. Then we’ll move into basics of yarn construction, drafting techniques, and then get busy spinning! Class size is limited in order to provide as much individual instruction/troubleshooting as possible to each participant.
And they do a really good Prime Rib lunch!
Just for good measure I’ll send you off with a neat chicken picture that The Man took this afternoon-

Have a great week!