Over the course of this past week we got 3.04 inches of rain! So we are now thoroughly dampened and out of any fire danger. Air is nice and clear too!
Now that the curtain of rain has parted, we find ourselves well and fully in Fall. Sheep seem pleased with the change of seasons-

And decided to take Goadldi’s suggestion and make a pair of fingerless mitts from my first Fiona skein

Just kind of winged it with the pattern, and initially they turned out a little too large, but the addition of a cable down the top and ribbing on the palm pulled them in just perfectly to make a snug fit

In hoophouse news, we’ve got the corner groundposts in! Been slow getting started because the site is a little challenging, but now that we’ve established the footprint and are confident that everything is square, I think we are on our way.

Hoping that we’ll have nice crisp Fall weather for a while so we can keep this project moving!
Ps. Go Hawks! 3 and 0! Woo Hoo 🙂