Earlier this week I responded to a post on Ravelry about an antique spinning wheel in need of assistance.

The style was of interest to me, and I was excited that it appeared to be pretty complete- even finials intact. It was hard to discern from the photo what exactly might be keeping it from being functional. So I went and picked it up on Friday.
Upon seeing it in person, the picture became much clearer.
The primary issue is paint. Lots of paint. In places that there shouldn’t be paint.
I felt an immediate need to start getting her freed up, and was able the first night to separate the bobbin and whorl and remove the decorative caps on the wheel uprights. So that seemed promising.
Check out these end caps. so pretty, though one has sustained some damage-

and now the bobbin and whorl are moveable, which is good.
Now the issue is getting the maidens freed up from the mother of all, so I can remove the flyer assembly.
Lots of paint at those joints, so I’ve been using denatured alcohol to un-goop them. They seem pretty clear at this point, but the maidens are still very solidly stuck in place. I’m starting to think that they may be glued.
I figured it would be easier to work on them if I removed the whole assembly from the table. I was pleased to discover that the tension screw was in good shape and operated smoothly (no paint in there).

If nothing is successful in easing them out, we might have to do something more invasive. Here’s hoping it doesn’t come to that.
A couple of other neat things I noticed about this wheel- the threaded rods that run from the elevated table to the wheel uprights are free-moving

Cool, eh? I thought so!
Lovely wheel under all that red and blue craziness. It’s clear that she was a working wheel for some time before she was “decor-ized” (wear on the treadle and flyer), and I have great hopes for her spinning in the future!