Author: denisemor

Monkey Hat, revisited

And finished!


Turned out pretty cute I think, but I hope it will be a while before I have need to wear it for real!


Also finished some special request socks this past week as well.


And all this finishing is good,,, but it means that I am going to have to start something new already! (That’s good and bad thing about small projects.)

I need to start another sweater.
But sweaters require planning.

I guess this is a planning week.
Stand by for swatches!


Fresh off the loom-


This time out I put a little bit wider warp on the little loom.


And thought I’d branch out a little into different patterns.


so this time around it’s all about twill!


Now, what does it want to be, I wonder….


Adventures in Indigo!

First, thank you all for the kind and supportive comments on my last post.
Losing Walla has been tough. He was one of a kind, and I felt that we really had a special bond.
I know many of have known the pain of losing critters that you care deeply for, and I really appreciate your support.


I’d been thinking about indigo for some time.
But it always seemed kind of intimidating.
There are a LOT of ways to dye with indigo.

I felt like I really wanted to have a good understanding of the process before I gave it a go. But I had somehow misplaced the instruction booklet that came with my Earthues kit!

Thankfully, I happened across Cynthia Underwood Thayer’s Indigo Dyeing page

I didn’t have any spectralite in the Earthues kit, but since it is a detergent/excess color remover I figured it wasn’t too critical. Hide glue did come in the kit, and served the same purpose as the gelatin (to protect the fibers in the very alkaline dye solution).


Presenting the lucky skeins selected for dyeing!


Here they are soaking in preparation for their first dip-


My set-up.


And let the dipping begin!



Skeins hanging in an apple tree to dry-


It all seems to have worked out ok! Stash transformed!


Walla Has Left the Building

We said goodbye to my sweet Walla this past Wednesday.


I had not mentioned it on the blog, but Wally was diagnosed with Lympho sarcoma back in April.
I decided early on that I would make myself let him go as soon as I got the sense that the cancer was starting to impact his quality of life, and went about making his last weeks with us happy and memorable as possible.

Earlier this week he lost interest in eating.


I’m having a hard time writing this, so I’ll stop now.

We was greatly loved, and will be greatly missed.