Author: denisemor

Vintage Handspun Mood


Ok, not quite done. Still needs a button or some kind of little closure thingee.


But it’s knitted, washed, blocked, and dried.
So, about 99.5% done.

And I think it’s really cute.
But I’m not really in the right mood to model anything right now.

(Sorry. It’s a lazy, schlumpy kind of Sunday night)

So now I have to decide if I want to knit another one while it’s still fresh in my mind, or shift gears and do something completely different!

And I have to decide fast,
Because I hate being without something to knit on breaks, and on the bus and such.
Knitting is sometimes the only thing that keeps be from losing my mind while using public transportation.

Powerful medicine for the bus commute.

2 Skeins?


or 4?

Better take 4.
Mondays can be tough.

Shades of the Flock

Been spending some quality time with the carder lately.
Catching up on processing fleece now that summer seems to be retreating.

At least rainy weather is good for something!

Here is some Chone-

And some Edgar/Griff-


And the Frank/Felix-

Thought it was probably a good idea to move some fiber down the pipeline, as I’ll probably have some new fall fleeces entering the wool pool soon!

Oh, I did a little bit of blending, too-
Here is Chone all gussied up with some dyed Romney and mohair


And I finally have a picture of Vintage Mood that looks like something!

Just a few more inches to go-
I think it’s going to be a nice wardobe addition- and mighty toasty!

Sheep Cam!

The next stage in keeping ahead of the sheeps has just been implemented.

Small camera, mounted up high, so that I can spy on unsuspecting ovines.


Here is about the perpective that the camera takes in-


Neat, eh?
Yeah, The Man is all over the tech stuff. Even got the sheeps wired now!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, pups are hanging loose after a game of apple fetch.



Apple fetch is my new favorite sport.
Noone has to actually return the “ball” ( the hardest part of the game to master 🙂 )
You just keep throwing and running, and throwing and running.
The apples even kind of bounce like tennis balls.
No shortage of them on the ground this time of year!