Author: denisemor

Getting Market-Ready!

If you’ve been on the blog lately you might have noticed that I’ve been busy for the last couple months making hats in preparation for the Bow Little Market Holiday Festival.


It occurred to me just recently that I might need a better way to display the hats than just laying them out on the door that I’ve been using as a table.

This weekends’ DIY mission: Hat Stand for Holiday Market!


Do you recognize the materials?


A small tomato cage and three wire hangers never looked so good!


Plus some tennis balls, and a few stray balls of yarn-


Ta Da!



In other news, Jonasson Farm had their fall Fleece Sale on Saturday, and I just happened to be in the neighborhood. 🙂

I went there specifically to get more dyed mohair locks


but came home with a Border Leicester lamb fleece as well.


I tried, but I couldn’t resist.

Thank the Sheep

Last night we turned back the clocks.
It is now officially the dark season.

Over the next few months, I probably won’t see as much of the boys.
Sure, there’s a light out in the shed, and I’ll still be out there every morning and evening to say “hey”, make sure they have food and water, and tidy the place up a bit. But it’s just not the same as the “light season” when I’m out there more just hanging out with the crew.

So I thought I’d just take a minute to thank the guys for their all their hard work this year- eating down the pasture, making lovely wool for me to play with- and for being my good buddies.

He’s my guy in charge out there. Proud and handsome, he expects (and gets) lots of attention. Always the first to request shearing in the spring, and I’m happy to oblige!

Edgar’s twin brother, but his polar opposite personality-wise! Griff is a sweet boy, but very shy. I feel like I’ve finally turned the corner with him this year- he will actually let me occasionally scritch him on the head!
He has a dense, very crimpy fleece that is a beautiful golden-taupey color.

Curious but careful, Felix enjoys getting attention, but isn’t pushy about it. If I sit out in the pasture for a while talking to Edgar and Chone, Felix will eventually wander over and say “hi”. He doesn’t like being fussed with and can sometimes be handful when I’m trimming hooves and shearing but he has heavenly soft and springy fleece around his neck and shoulders so I try to stay on his good side 🙂

Felix’s twin brother, and they are almost inseparable. Frank is very shy and doesn’t like being handled, but is usually a gentleman once you get a halter on him. Fun fact about both Frank and Felix- their facial and leg markings (Black in Frank’s case, and Brown on Felix) fade in and out throughout the year. Right now his face is almost entirely black, but in the spring it will fade out again and throughout the summer his face will be white!

And last but not least, Chone! (pronounced Shaun)
Chone 01-18-14
My crazy little black sheep. He’s a sweet cuddly little dude, but kind of a bugger when it comes to shearing and hoof trimming. Turns into a bucking bronco! (Also the messiest eater of the bunch) But he has a nice fluffy charcoal-y fleece that I love to work with.

So, thank you boys. You’re the coolest sheep I know. 🙂

Three is the Magic Number

Meet Sigrid!

I spotted her on craigslist last week, and she came home with me on Tuesday.


What a beauty, eh?

I don’t have a really good idea of her origins, but her styling appears to be scandinavian.


She is complete (except for maybe a distaff- there is a hole in the table for one), with an intact flyer and one bobbin that is in pretty good shape. Really solid and not terribly dried out or anything. Even has both her finials!


And check out the neat little caps that secure the wheel in place!



She did have rust and residue on her flyer hooks,

so I took a small wire brush to them and got them cleaned up some.


Might have to do a little more smoothing on a couple of hooks that have quite a bit of wear, but she’s spinning very nicely already.

I also fashioned her an orifice hook out of a paperclip, since the hooks I use with my other wheels wouldn’t fit (she’s got a kind of petite flyer assembly).


I just love her style. The turnings, the tone and grain of the wood – pretty, but not too fancy.
And she’s a sweet spinner. Big 25 inch wheel.




So I’m back to three wheels now.
Three is the magic number. 🙂

Ps. Will post a video of her in action soon!