Author: denisemor

Crazy ZauberGyle!

The urge to Argyle is strong, so I’m going with it.

The up-side of having a fairly robust stash is that when you need to get something started quick, there are usually yarn options at hand!

For this particular venture, I selected some leftover Crazy Zauberball, and coordinated with a couple of neutrals.

Working from a cool old Bear Brand pattern booklet from 1950 as a general guide


and my own computer-generated chart (because I wanted a stitch count that was a little different from the booklet options)


I cast on and got started argyling!


Here is the back-


Neat, eh?

Intarsia is a little fussy because of all the strands that tend to get tangled up as you interlock them going back and forth, but I think the result is going to be worth it.

Officially a Mad Hatter

It seems I just can’t stop.

I thought I could just turn off the “hatting” once the need for hats evaporated.
But the urge persists.


(Still a little bit damp from its final bath. Will fluff out a little more when it’s completely dry.
I think it needs a blue pompom.)

Perhaps because it’s so easy to start another. No need to plan and measure and swatch and such.
Just cast on.

I’m also having second thoughts about Burr. Maybe I just need to get started knitting.
I’ve got about 750 yards of the Chone yarn ready to go,, and could do the rest on a spin-as-you-go basis.


But I’ve found myself distracted.
Out of nowhere, an urge to knit something Argyle hit me mid-week.
The sudden need for Argyle socks.
Yeah, I’m all over the place. 🙂

And now I’m spinning some fiber left over from the Little Bow Market holiday sale. A Chone blend.


Would actually look really nice worked into Burr if I run short on yardage.

And speaking of Little Bow Market leftovers, I’m happy to say that my remaining hats and mitts are now available at Northwest Handspun Yarns in Bellingham. So if you regret not having picked one up a couple of weeks ago, you have another chance!


Sweater Math

Burr it is!

I’ve swatched, and it looks like I can get gauge with the Chone yarn I’ve been spinning, so I’m good there.

But, the question is- am I going to have enough Chone wool to generate the required yardage?

Of the yarn I’ve spun so far, it looks like I’m getting about 120 yds per 3 oz.

So if I need about 1300 yards (perhaps an overestimate, but trying to be safe), that’s about 33 oz total.

I’ve got approximately 12 oz spun up


And just over a pound of Chone (mix of 2014 and 2015) remaining in the stash


Which leaves me a little short.


I see a couple of options:

A. make it without sleeves (Burr jacket becomes Burr vest) or,
B. incorporate some other wool in some part of the jacket (back, sleeves?) I have some ideas.

Since I’ve not quite at the casting on stage for the sweater yet, this week I worked on an “In the Meantime Cowl”

Pretty little thing, I think.


The Next Sweater

The Holiday Festival was a great sucess, and I’m feeling like I’m ready to embark on a new sweater project.

No firm plan on the pattern yet, but the yarn is coming together nicely!

It’s 100% 2015 Chone, spun on Sigrid (new wheel) and chain plied on my lateral treadle wheel.


My little sample swatch knit up to 4.5 stitches and 6 rows to the inch on size 5 needles, so I guess that’s roughly worsted weight.


It’s wonderfully squishy and fuzzy (but still has the occasional reminder of what a messy eater Chone is).


I’ve got two skeins all finished and one ready to ply.


Guess I’ll just keep spinning until I figure out what I’m making it into.
My first thought was a simple roll-neck top-down raglan. So comfy and casual and cozy.
But perhaps that might be too toasty for all but the coldest weather.

So then I started thinking about a vest. I’ve got a couple of nice vest patterns “favorited” on Ravelry.
Wood Hollow Vest

And vests are so useful for layering fall through spring.

But then I’ve always wanted to make a Burr, too. Love those Brooklyn Tweed patterns!


What do you think that this yarn wants to be?