Hey Howdy Hay!

Got me some nice local grass hay yesterday!


2nd cutting. Just over a ton.

And I’m so pleased to be able to put it in the sheep shed this year.

We finally got the roof done, and separated the sheep half from the hay/people stuff half.

Here is a view of the hay/people half from the sheep side-


And vice versa-


Here’s Edgar, having just approved the new placement of the mineral feeder-


And Felix and Griff enjoying our unusually lush late-July pasture.


Guess all this rain is good for something!

I’m still working on getting a bunch of fiber ready for my annual Langley crafting retreat this week.


I’ve got three batts of Chone all worked up (on the right), some shetland/dyed mohair blend (center), and some misc leftovers that might come along too (left).
Hope to still do some more carding tonight.

So hard to decide what to take!


    • sheepsclothing

      Thanks Michelle. I’m so pleased to have it all put together. Gotta keep the boys happy 🙂

    • sheepsclothing

      Thanks. Yeah, it is a really good feeling having the hay in. Think I did a better job selecting it this year, too. This stuff is a lot finer and smells so great!

  1. Christine

    That lush pasture is looking pretty good right now. Dry as a bone here. We just put up hay as well, good feeling to have that done. I’m glad Edgar approved of the placement. I have pretty strict building inspectors myself. 😉

  2. Farmlady

    I’m so glad that Edgar approved of the new sheep shed. We do have to keep these animals happy, don’t we?
    That hay looks good.Wish I had a flat pasture to grow my own.
    That fleece looks wonderful..Happy Carding.


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