As is our holiday tradition, the sheep enjoyed the Christmas tree as a snack this afternoon
The chickens received cabbages as gifts, but Esther decided she wanted to sample those as well 🙂
That was about the extent of the excitement here. We’re just keepin’ it real low key and holding out for 2021.
In knitting news, I’ve hit upon a new colorwork motif that I really enjoy working and so have been making up some hats in different color combos just for fun. Hats seem to be my comfort zone right now, so I’m just giving in to it.

Stay safe out there- and I’ll see y’all in in the new year!
And Go Hawks! 🙂
Your hats are gorgeous as always. We haven’t fed our tree yet. I want to enjoy it a few more days. The Hawks looked pretty impressive that second half.
thanks Donna- yep, was good to see them finish off the Rams and clinch the division!