It’s been a while, but I finally have a Candelaria update–

You might be thinking,,,, “it doesn’t look like she’s any further along with this than she was 2 months ago”
And you’d be right. Kind of.
The truth is, I had made about 4 inches of progress on the below the armholes, but I knew something was off. The pattern called for casting on 34 stitches under each arm after putting the sleeve stitches on holders, so I did that, thinking- well, it’s supposed to be a loose fitting garment. But then recently I took it of the needles and realized that the body circumference was just way too large. So I had to bite the bullet and rip back to the underarms.
But since that point, about a week ago, I have reknit about and inch and a half, and it is feeling much more reasonable (cast on only 14 stitches under each arm this time). But the going is a little slow since the stitches are small (size 3 needles)

Been pretty chilly here recently, but by cold weather veg are still hanging in there out in the hoophouse-

Peas are even flowering, but I don’t think there are many pollinators available right now. Oh well.
And it’s time to start thinking about seeds for garden ’25!
A new tomato that I’m excited to try is ‘Cou di Bue Albenga‘. Aren’t they gorgeous? (picture ganked from web) Should make for some fabulous cookin’!

This year I think I’m going to shop locally, from Uprising Seeds in Bellingham, and try out a couple other things that are new to me- escarole, and possibly radicchio.
Alrighty. I think that’s about it for now. Have a good week, folks-
Sorry about the ripping out and reknitting. At least it should be right. Dreaming of seeds is fun. And happy birthday!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes 🙂 Ripping out was a little painful at the time, but kind of a relief once it was done. Onwards and upwards!