Alas, I’m not any further along with my travel project plan. Lots of ideas, no clear direction yet.
But, thanks to The Man, there is applesauce!

Batch number one canned, subsequent batches probably to be frozen. Made from the transparents on the tree by our pumphouse, and some red delicious from the ancient tree out back.
I love warmed, spiced applesauce as a snack in the winter. And it is also great for baking, so always good to have on hand.
I’ve been working on getting the summer garden wrapped up. Harvesting the last of the tomatoes, cukes, peppers, etc. Yesterday I selected this year’s overwintering specimens from amongst our peppers to move them inside before the weather turns colder. I dug out one jalapeƱo, one svoboda, and one baklouti, potted them up and pruned them back hard.

The svoboda and baklouti didn’t yield me any ripe fruits this year, but hoping that with a headstart next season they might have more success.
Also planted out some shallots and garlic in the hoophouse. I’ve got kale and broccoli coming up, but they are still too tiny to go in the ground.
In wool work this week, I’ve been focusing mostly on Esther. Two different spins- one high twist, one low-twist.

I’m glad that I have quite a bit of her wool in the stash, but it’s kind of bittersweet handling her locks. I do so miss that girl.
Speaking of sheeps, I was just out giving the girls some treats-apples and yellow squash. What a glorious fall afternoon-

Dottie says “hey”-

While she is still limping , it seems like she is putting a bit more weight on that injured back leg lately, so I’m hopeful that it’s slowly healing.
Have a good week folks-
I love the high-twist Esther- it is gorgeous! Glad Dottie is doing better.
Thanks Donna- I am kind of surprised how much I like the higher twist Esther 3 ply as well. I’d not really played around with spinning her wool quite this fine before.