The Romas are coming, The Romas are coming!
It took a bit longer than usual- perhaps because of the cooler summer, or because these guys are kind of enormous.

The variety is “Gladiator”, and a couple of them that I’ve weighed have come in at nearly a pound! Nice and meaty, tho- so, I guess worth waiting for (?)

The Man has been getting them processed so we’ll have summer tomato flavor tucked away in the pantry for soups, stews and sauces during the cold months.
And I’m back at the drum carder- this time making blended roving

No particular end product in mind right now. Just some color therapy.
Countdown to cross-country travel has begun (annual trip to FL)- which means I need to get some sort of knitting project in the works. Preferably some thing substantial, but not terribly complicated.
Guess that will be the goal for this week. Getting a project plan together.
Those Romas are huge! Good luck to The Man processing them all. The rovings are gorgeous. Hoping you can find a great travel knitting project.
thanks Donna. i hope so to- can’t travel without something to keep the hand busy!