If peonies in bloom signal the arrival of summer, then I think that we’re finally there (maybe?)

And it is suddenly almost 30 degrees warmer in during the day than it was a week or so ago. Crazy stuff, weather.
Things are finally kicking into gear in the garden and hoophouse, though I wonder if some of the peps are ever going to catch up. Might have gotten stunted by the late cold temps. Only time will tell, I guess.
Taking advantage of the sun today to get a little fleece washing/drying done- Daphne’s curls look so sweet all fresh from the bath 🙂

An exciting development on the equipment front- The Man helped me out with a mod to the spindle wheel, adding another speed-

So now I’ve got two ratios: 29:1 on the small pulley, and 21:1 on the larger.
Also was pointed to another really good video about the Rio Grande Wheel and the flip technique in the Ravelry Spindle Wheel group- just going to drop the link here for future reference: https://vimeo.com/106008863 It’s long, but the spinning technique bit starts about 23 minutes in.
So here is the Spindle Cycle (new name I’m trying out) in her current configuration

Oh- I also made some significant progress on the afterthought-steek vest. I succeeded in color-shifting the wool/mohair sweater to a slightly more yellow green with the help of a marigold dye bath, and have seamed it to the stranded vest front.

It’s finally coming together! Next step, figuring out what kind of finishing to use on the edges.