And just like that, it’s December.
It’s cold and rainy outside, so my attention has turned to cozy indoor pursuits: Wool and Dough.
In the wool department, the unspun top down raglan is coming along nicely

Just divided the sleeves from the body, so the rounds are going a bit more quickly now. Most of the body and sleeves are going to be the creamy natural of Alice wool (gifted fleeced from this past summer), but I do have a small amount of Nutiden left that I’ll probably use around the cuffs.
Also need to give some thought to how I want to finish the neckline. It needs a little something, but I don’t want to close it up much more. I’m toying with the idea of splitting the front a bit, finishing the edge (method yet TBD) and doing a button and loop type of closure. Input is welcome 🙂

And carrying the sheepy theme into the dough department, I have these funny little guys

They lost a little of their definition then they puffed in the oven, but hopefully a little glaze will make them pop again.
Trying to get a bit of a jump on cookies this year with the varieties that keep especially well.
And speaking of getting a jump on things, look what came in the mail yesterday.

Next garden season feels so far away right now, but I can page through seed catalogs and imagine days of glorious sunshine and fresh garden veggies.
I think the button and loop idea is a good one. I love the sheep cookies. Stay dry!
thanks Donna- appreciate the input!