Hay arrived yesterday around noon 🙂

Delivery trailer wasn’t going to get through the pasture gate, so we moved it into the shed after grabbing some lunch. Since we don’t have chickens occupying the chicken side of the shed anymore, will be storing hay there this year. Should make feeding the sheeps in winter easier, not having to haul bales from the woodshed.
Our two remaining chickens seem to be having a good summer tho- having narrowly escaped another eagle attack a couple weeks ago. Speck is now a two-time eagle survivor.
They are enjoying raspberries and watermelon rinds and excess zuchinni, with yellow chig (now 10 years old) laying the occasional egg, which is always appreciated.
In other news, JUiST, after another re-working of the neckline (requiring snipping out of the original)

is JUiST about done (sorry, couldn’t resist).

And despite the powdery mildew, or botrytis or whatever it is continuing to challenge the tomatoes this year, they are still producing a lot of beautiful fruits.
Together with fresh garden cukes, Schoonover Farms bacon, and fresh home-baked ciabatta ( credit to The Man) it’s the makings of some mighty fine summertime eats

Doesn’t get much better than that.
Always good to have hay ready for the winter. And there’s nothing better than home/ neighbor grown food!