New spinning project for Elsa! Octavia roving from Marietta Shetlands. Plan is to turn it into a three ply worsted weight yarn, then a new vest for shepherd John (pattern TBD).

In garden news, our chicken wire and netting setup seem to be keeping the bunnies at bay-

Little peps, especially the Aji Cristal guys, are looking really sharp-

Runner beans are starting to run (and flower)-

This little watermelon is venturing into his designated sprawling zone

and this is kind of fun- last year I saved seed from the zinnias that did so well in the hoophouse, but earlier in the spring when I tried to start them I got zero germination. I’d all but given up on having zinnias this year, then recently noticed that I had little volunteers popping up all over the place in here. They didn’t always choose the best places to grow, so I’ve scooped some up and potted them for relocation to other garden spots. So glad I’ll get to see their cheery blooms after all!

At the intersection on wool and garden projects, we have the dye plants that I started from seed this spring. The marigolds are coming on like crazy, and are so intense- like burning embers.

I’m going to dry the blooms for future dyeing. Is they keep on blooming like this all summer I will probably have a pretty good bunch of material to play with

and speaking of color- an update on the Dottie JUiST project-

It’s coming along pretty good now, just a couple inches until I separate the sleeves from the body. After that it should really pick up. Not sure The neckline sits quite right, so I might go back and futz with that a bit later. But I just love the feel of the fabric- and the flashy stripes.
Ok, I’d better head out to visit with the sheeps and get them some evening treats. Have a good week everyone-