Was a lovely day at the Alger Market- a few hats and skeins found new homes, and I acquired a small collection of lovely ceramic vessels from Jeanne the potter

They coordinate so beautifully with my late summer reblooms from Jude the Obscure and St Cecelia. š
I also made quite a bit of progress on a scarf I’m knitting (free pattern Free Spirit by AistÄ ButkeviÄienÄ)

I don’t often knit scarves, but this was a request from the person who whose sheep provide both this gray and the white fleece featured in last weeks post). It’s a really fun pattern to knit- a little knit, a little purl, a little cabling without a cable needle, and easy to memorize.
And in the garden- a couple of exciting developments
First Ananas Noir tomato to ripen. From the top-

and the bottom

But check out this interior!

And I am really excited about this big pumpkin I’ve got going in the new garden bed. About 16″ in diameter now and growing so fast!

I put him on a bed of washed wool for good measure, to hopefully keep him safe and happy.
And I wanted to give a shoutout to the zinnias in the hoophouse, who are overperforming like crazy

They are over 4 feer tall now, and just keep on branching and blooming. The bees and all my other pollinator friends love them. I had no idea zinnia plants got this big.
So that’s it folks. I’ll sign off with a short clip of hanging in a spot of shade with Yellow Chig and Boo Kitten as the weekend winds down
Have a good week folks!