None of the sheeps seem very excited about being sheared yet, so I’ve been concentrating my efforts on garden work.
In the hoophouse, seedlings are making good progress, with squashes getting up-potted into 4″ and taken off heat, and little tomatoes starting to put on their first true leaves

They look really nice and sturdy, and have such cute fuzzy stems đŸ™‚
Planted some more herb seeds this weekend- Basil, Dill and Fennel. They are taking the spot on the heat mat vacated by Delicata, Jarrahdale and Zuchinni. Also planted out some of the little cukes in the hoophouse. Here they are alongside the peas that are finally getting settled in an taking off (with a short barrier to keep Yellow Chig from trampling them)

I’m also very excited that some of my cuttings from last September appear to be rooted.

Two roses in the back are Saint Cecilia, and the apples in front are from our big King tree. First success I’ve had in a while with cuttings- rhodies I tried last year didn’t take, but that might have been due to the poor condition of the bush I was trying to clone (?)
And, we took delivery yesterday of a cool new thingee for growing herbs and greens. The plan is to station it somewhere on the cement slab in the hoophouse. We got the rolling base, with it, so placement is flexible. Once the herbs get a little further along we’ll get it filled and assembled-

And in knitting news, I’m still corrugated ribbing mode. This time using recently acquired rare-breed wools I mentioned a couple weeks ago- Manx Loaghtan and Zwartbles.

Both breeds were really fun to spin. Lots of character. Highly recommend 👍
Of course, your seedings are way ahead of ours. I am curious about your thingee now. I guess I will have to be patient. And you are motivating me to spin those rare breeds. I am still trying to get through the retreat’s Gotland first though.
will have more photos of the greenstalk planter once we’ve got it set up and filled- hopefully soon!