Puxatawny Phil has advised us that there is plenty of winter left, but today sure feels like spring.
Everyone out the pasture is really appreciating it.
Smart chickens basking in the shed entryway, out of sight of eagles and hawks.

The sunshine also inspired me to start some early cool-season seeds

I’ve got snap peas, broccoli, bunching onions, cilantro and thyme there in egg cartons. Thinking that if I can get the peas and broccoli going quick, I can maybe get a crop in the hoophouse before I’m ready to plant tomatoes, melons and other warm-season stuff in the ground. Goal seed sowing date for most of that stuff is 2 weeks from now.
And speaking of tomatoes, the two little volunteers from last year’s garden are still going strong in the laundry room under lights- and one is even blooming!

It was kind of a slow week wool-wise. Still spinning up the rest of the Jacob fleece that I picked up for the expo class. It’s so sweet and sproingy! Can’t seem to find any focus knitting-wise tho.
Maybe more mitts this week? Just a little somethin’ to keep the hands busy.
Nice sun basking video. The sun is definitely appreciated here.
Thank Donna- we’re all really loving these sunny spring-like days.