Thanks to everyone who came out to the market today in Alger. And special thanks to those of you who took home some of cucumbers. The cukes are coming on lots faster than we can eat them!
Back home in the hoophouse this evening I picked some little tomatoes- honeycomb hybrid are in full swing, with just the smallest of the Principe Borghese starting to ripen.

And Brad’s Atomic Grape are starting to show their outrageous colors

A couple of rows over, Petite Gris de Renne melons are chillaxing in their newly rigged up melon hammocks

So much good stuff coming out of the garden right now.
The only thing that really didn’t work out that well is the potatoes in feed sacks. Those guys started to die back in the last few weeks so I emptied them out and terminated the experiment. Got some taters, but not nearly the production I’d hoped for.
You win some, you lose some.
Lovely produce. We are doing well, although not as well as you. But our potatoes in buckets didn’t do well either. They started dying in the heat wave. But still better than last year when the rodents got them all.
yeah, I wonder if the heat wave affected ours as well. my other problem with the potatoes I think was that I underestimated how much water they needed. when I turned them out the soil was much drier than I expected. oh well, live and learn, eh?