Things are coming along well in the hoophouse- though we’re having a bit of an issue with voles. Their digging has disrupted some cucumber plants, so I’ve spread some critter repellant, and am monitoring for further digging activity and smoosh down any tunnels. Fingers crossed that the cucumbers recover from their rodent damage.

Excited to see that the tiny calendula seedlings I planted about a month ago are now starting to show buds!

Hopefully they’ll be blooming soon, but in the meantime I’ve planted some hanging baskets to keep the bees and other pollinators excited about being in there 🙂

Once the calendulas are in full swing, the baskets will brighten the front door.
And speaking of bright-wanted to give a shoutout to The Man for his work on a custom water hydrant stabilizer. Now it is a full fledged watering station with hose hanger. Pretty darn spiffy in Kubota orange!

And in chicken news- the girls are pumping out eggs a lot faster than we can eat them, so we’ve started offering them for sale on a first-honk, first serve basis.

We’ve had a few honks already, so hopefully we’ll get takers for maybe 4 or 5 extra dozen a week.
I’ve never seen a “Honk 4 Pick-up” set-up before; glad it’s working! Love the water hydrant stabilizer; GREAT design.
Thanks Michelle- yep, working ok so far- and nice that we don’t have to leave eggs outside. will pass along your hydrant compliment to The Man 🙂