It may be cold and rainy day outside,
But it is a bit spring-y-er in the hoophouse 🙂
Starting to get it all outfitted- moved in my potting bench-

And The Man has fashioned a couple of other work tables out of reclaimed lumber. Really mice and solid.

Hoping to start with the seed sowing by next weekend

And am also putting a plan together for how I’m going to us the planting space inside. Thinking of trellising tomatoes, cukes, and melons to make best use of the square footage.
Also hit upon a neat idea for growing potatoes just the other day- using chicken food bags as grow bags So I think we’re going to give that a go this year.
On other fronts, baby chickens are just over three weeks old and entering their “scruffy-looking” stage

And my mountain of Felix rolags has finally completed its transition to about 500 yards of fairly fine two-ply yarn

Will be setting aside this batch for dyeing later on this year- building up my color palette for fairisle projects.
Can hardly wait for good dyeing weather!
Loving the inside of the hoop house-enjoy!
thanks Donna. I’m loving it too 🙂