It started Friday night, and has been snowing almost continuously since.
How different things look from a week or so ago.

And inside, more squishy, bouncy Dottie yarn dries atop the pellet stove.

(yes, that is a sheep-shaped object holding it secure in on the right side)
I think we’re through the worst of it- forecast tells of warmer days this week. I keep hoping that spring is right around the corner!
I has been a hunker down kind of a weekend. I hope you kept your power and were not witness to all the crashes. Glad it is melting.
yep- thankfully we had power all through the weekend. didn’t hear about crashes- were those due to snowy road conditions?
We were listening to the scanner last weekend and there were lots of crashes including highway 9 and Prairie and closer to us at Grip and Prairie and F&S and Prairie as well. Even the tow truck drivers were getting stuck.
wow-makes me glad I wasn’t out on the roads at all over the weekend!