Progress on my Layton-ish sweater

Two sleeves knit, up to the armpits! It’s kind of hard to see in the dark yarn, but there is a little bit of a slip-stitch/cable panel that runs up the outside of the sleeve. Once the sleeves are joined to the body this detail will run up the shoulders and to the collar.
Also got those two bobbins of singles plied up so have plenty of yarn ready to get started on the body-

So that’s coming along pretty well now. 🙂
Also working on getting some fleeces washed- this is the back half of Dottie- drying after her initial suint soak and freshwater rinse

And the garden is starting to come up!

those are my just-spouted snap peas (under a protective layer of wire fence for now)

and the garlics are starting to recover from being divided and replanted.
Spinach, carrots, cukes and squash are poking out as well, but not much to see yet.
And out in the pasture, sheeps and chickens are trying to stay cool in out first really warm weather of the year. In the mid-80’s here this weekend!
They love watermelon rinds- special summertime treat-

Think it’s supposed to cool off and start raining tomorrow, but we’ve sure enjoyed our brief summer preview.