Here in WA, we’re under a Stay Home order, which has just been extended to May 4. Non-essential businesses are closed, and many people are out of work. I am really fortunate to be able to work from home, and so have been doing that for the last week and a half.
It’s pretty amazing that the university is still operating- with almost everyone working remotely. We have so many technological tool available to us now to keep us connected, both to co-workers and data systems.
So I’ve not had much direct contact with the outside world recently.
That actually isn’t too hard on me because I’m kind of an introvert, and I’ve got things to keep me busy here. But I feel compelled to keep up with the news, and that does take an emotional toll.
Saturday, based on the recommendations of the CDC, I dove into the fabric stash to create some masks for The Man and I to wear when we need to venture forth for essentials.

So were covered there. I actually wore mine out in public for the first time today when I went into town for groceries. Was kind of odd, but many other folks doing the same. Good to see that people are taking precautions.
I also took some time this weekend to give myself a little fiber pick-me-up, in the form of a little dyeing. I pulled some Frank & Felix 2019 out of my vacuum-packed wool stash

and dug out the Abundant Earth Wool Tinctures I’d been saving for just such an occasion!

I also did a batch of Black Cherry Kool Aid, just to round out the color pallette 🙂

So fun and satisfying- and now I have a fresh batch of colors to blend and spin! That’s about 7 oz of each color. No plan for these yet. Just dyeing for dyeing’s sake.
And I wanted to share another little thing that made me happy this week-

This is the lone seedling to emerge from my rose seed starting experiment that I started last October. Just started to get real leaves, and got upgraded from the seed tray to a real pot on Friday. 🙂
Alrighty. that’s about all I’ve got for this week.
Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and Knit On!
Excellent work on the masks dyeing and rose! Stay safe.
thanks Donna- you too!
Impressive; I didn’t know you could start roses from seed!
I hadn’t ever considered it either,, but then we had all these rose hips hanging around in the fall after I’d stopped dead-heading. Takes a long period of cold storage to get them primed, and hybridization is a crap-shoot, so I’m sure most folks find rooting cuttings or grafting more practical. But it’s pretty exciting to have a little baby rose 🙂 Sure hope I can keep it alive!