I haven’t been getting much knitting done lately.
Some of it might be because everything just feels kind of unsettled with the virus developments and such.
But normally in that kind of circumstance knitting and/or spinning would be something that I would turn to as a stress reliever.
And I finally realized why it wasn’t doing that form me recently.
I’d spent a lot of time planning and measuring and doing math to figure out how I was going to knit Layton out of the Dottie yarn that I already had in my stash. I think I still had misgivings about it, but was still pressing on. Forcing it.
Just a couple days ago I gave in and decided to listen to the yarn.
Dottie’s yarn, as much as I love it, is not the right yarn for this project. And if I pushed on I know I would not be pleased with the resulting sweater.
So I’m beginning again. This time with Chone wool from probably 2017 or so.

With his sunbleached tips blended in it’s a beautiful warm charcoal gray. And I can make it into exactly the yarn I need for this project. It will just shift the timeline out a couple/few months.
I’ve also finally cast on for The Shepherd’s Teo scarf. Have had the yarn spun for a while now, and it’s lovely light and lofty stuff. Will be a pleasure to knit it up into a simple stockinette and garter sample.

So, I think I’m back on track at last.
Having my wool works back in balance will hopefully help me find some calm amidst the current crisis.
Stay healthy- and knit on! 🙂
Stay healthy- and knit on!
– words to live by right now