Since devising a plan on how to approach my new sweater project, I have cast on for the first sleeve three times. Here is my latest start-

I don’t think that it’s any fault of the pattern, it’s just me and a bit of a problem with focus. And not having a lot of knitting time of late.
I hope that as the days lengthen my attention span will as well!
In the meantime, I have been able to do a little bit of stitching to support the Bellingham Sock Monkey Project

I always give them curly woolly hairdos that make them stand out in a crowd -and normally I would embroider the eyes, but felted peepers like the ones I gave the sheep puppets were right at hand and so were an easy answer. They still need some details, but are shaping up nicely.
Hopefully by next week I’ll be moving on from monkey business. 🙂