Back in November I saw some nice ripe hips hanging out on my rosebushes, and it got me thinking about propagation.
I’d had some success growing roses from cuttings, but had never attempted to grow any from seed, so looked online for info, and found that rose seeds need to be “stratified” by a fairly long exposure to a cold damp environment.

So the seeds went into the fridge wrapped in damp paper towels.
And there they have be waiting for the last 2+ months. Today they went into little pots of seed starter mix.

From left to right we have an unnamed “stripey rose”, a dark spicy-scented rusgosa, Jude the Obscure, Lady Emma Hamilton, and Golden Wings.
It will be really exciting if anything actually germinates!
Also hopefully planted some metaphorical seeds this weekend at the WSU Expo. It’s always fun talking to folks about wool and yarn. And of those who try spinning for the first or second time, maybe a couple will catch “the bug” and will head off on the own fiber adventures 🙂
I’m between knitting projects right at the moment, but am working on refining an idea I have for a spinning wheel bobbin rack. More on that next week!