Hats falling off the needles

And some popping back on-

I had some misgivings about the color scheme even while it was in progress, but wasn’t quite sure. After it was washed and dried I just wasn’t happy with it, so I did some surgery. So that’s my half-hat.
Now the question is, what are the right colors to finish it up?

In other news, we got a few new chickens this week!

They seem to be settling in nicely. And it helps the hen-to-rooster ratio a bit!
I like the original green band! I’ll bet someone else will, too, if these are inventory.
thanks Michelle- it’s funny, I kind of thought the same thing when I saw the picture. But in person, the combo is just a little wonky. The blue is a weird shade that I’m finding hard to coordinate. In any case, I’ll reuse the green band, and it will give me a headstart on the next hat!
Those are some pretty nice free chickens. They landed in a good home. I don’t think the violet will work though.
chickens weren’t free, but a pretty good deal, and local, so that was nice. Almost done reworking the hat. If the violet doesn’t work out I might just give up on this one!