Hat and a Half

Hats falling off the needles

And some popping back on-

I had some misgivings about the color scheme even while it was in progress, but wasn’t quite sure. After it was washed and dried I just wasn’t happy with it, so I did some surgery. So that’s my half-hat.

Now the question is, what are the right colors to finish it up?

What do you think? Will the violet work?

In other news, we got a few new chickens this week!

gray Americauna
tan and gray Americauna
pretty lacy dark girl with partially feathered feet

They seem to be settling in nicely. And it helps the hen-to-rooster ratio a bit!


    • denisemor

      thanks Michelle- it’s funny, I kind of thought the same thing when I saw the picture. But in person, the combo is just a little wonky. The blue is a weird shade that I’m finding hard to coordinate. In any case, I’ll reuse the green band, and it will give me a headstart on the next hat!

    • denisemor

      chickens weren’t free, but a pretty good deal, and local, so that was nice. Almost done reworking the hat. If the violet doesn’t work out I might just give up on this one!


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