I really didn’t want the blog to be about death two weeks in a row, but sometimes that’s just how it goes. 🙁
Today I laid to rest my good friend Bertrand, our 4 (?) year old Amerucana rooster.
He’d been in decline for the last 6 months or so, and I’d been trying hard to get him back on his feet, but I finally came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t getting better, and wouldn’t ever be able to hold his own out in the shed with the general population.
Bertrand was a handsome, well mannered rooster. Here he is as a cute little chickie back in 2015 (I think)

And here he is all grown up and free-ranging in the yard with some girlfriends-

This is my favorite portrait of him- enjoying a bit of shade under one of our rhodies

But this is probably the photo that best shows the colors of his plumage

He was buried with full pasture honors next to Peep. Two of the older hens came over to pay their respects.
And over near the shed, his offspring are coming into their own. Of five chicks that Welsie hatched out in May, it appears that all five are roosters. (Geesh)
Four of them look very much like their dad, which is kind of cool. I really hope that they have inherited some of his sweet disposition.
So sorry Denise. He was a beautiful rooster.
thanks Donna- it was really hard to let him go, since he was such a nice guy. but in the end it seemed the kindest thing to do.