The Man took this photo of our big apple tree the other day, all heavy with fruit

She’s an old King tree, and never fails to produce a ton of apples. A couple days later the Schoonovers came over and harvested most of them- and now they are on their way to being pressed for cider 🙂 So glad that they are going to good use- as it is way more than the sheep and I could deal with!
Making ok progress on The Shepherd’s vest – working just on the front goes a little slower than knitting in the round. Managed to get one side of the front finished up during the Hawks game today.

So at least something good came out of the afternoon.
And I’m doing a little bit of puppet decorating when I can find little chunks of time- this little Dottie-wool lamb is shaping up pretty nicely-

Out in the shed, this spring’s chicks are getting big- and I’m becoming increasingly convinced that they are almost all roosters. Just figures, eh?