Took a couple days off last week to enjoy a bit of a summer preview-
Hanging with the sheeps -though sadly, I didn’t get any more shearing done 🙁
Dottie fleece in the suint bath-
Esther singles fresh off the wheel
Yarn drying in the sunshine
Gustavo on yard patrol
Boo Kitten catching some rays
And chickens partaking in cabbage tether ball
It was a good couple of days 🙂
So, the thing with the mitten finishing-
I’m working on these really cute mitts,
but have never been a big fan of pointy tips. So I though a bout it a long time, and then, after decreasing about half the number of stitches, I decide to knit the three “sidewall” stitches over the top, and connect it up with the three edge stitches on the other side.
The details: after completing last decrease round, knit the three edge stitches. Then wrap the next two stitches one at a time- one with the main color, and one with the contrast color. knit back across first two edge stitches. Knit last edge stitch together with next two mitten stitches, then wrap next two stitches one at a time, first with main color, then second with the contrast color. Continue in this manner, eating up two mitten body stitches at each edge, until all mitten body stitches are worked. Then graft the edge stitches to their corresponding edge stitches from the other side. Voila!
A little fiddly, but I really like the result!