I got off to a bit of a slow start this week with the colorwork for my Tuin, but now that I’m getting a feel for the duplicate stitch and keeping track of the chart, it’s going more smoothly-
Look! Flowers! I see now that doing it this way is going to take a long time, but I do like having control over the color placement.
In other news, with The Man’s help, I made a minor tweak to my already amazingly cheap and highly useful PVC and conduit Niddy Noddy-
With the addition of a few holes and some old metal knitting needles, it is doubling as a portable lazy Kate!
And I can even store the needles in the center section of conduit.
Neat, eh? (Skye doesn’t see what all the excitement is about) 🙂
Sheeps are starting to ask about getting haircut appointments, but the weather hasn’t been cooperating. Maybe next weekend I’ll be able to get a start on shearing!