I stayed up on Sunday night and pushed through to get the collar done. Just couldn’t leave it so close to completion. Monday I wove in ends. Tuesday I grafted the underarms and put it in the bath to relax and unwind.

So now it’s resting and leisurely air-drying in my office.
Done on July 30. Not bad. Went back and checked the blog record to see when I actually started this project, and it wasn’t quite as long ago as I’d remembered. I started the knitting mid-May, so it’s only been 2 ½ months. Of course, I had a little less than half of the yarn spun before I started, so that helped.
Still have to order the zipper from www.ZipperSource.com and get it installed. That’ll be a whole ‘nother adventure.
I still may enter it in the NW Washington Fair (minus zipper).
I love the fair. So much fun. So many great fiber-bearing critters.
And it would be cool to have something in the wool show.
(It’s not like I’d be wearing it anytime soon, anyway.)
Stunning! I think it should get a blue ribbon. 🙂
That sweater is gorgeous!!! I can’t get over it. can you send me some close ups? I would like to see the details.