Apologies to the blog for my inattention of late.
It’s been a little slow wool-wise for the last couple of weeks.
I had been making good progress with the contiguous sweater, but then got down to the underarms and realized that I need a little more room in the chest.
And I just haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet. Yep. Stalled out.
But I’ve been using the good weather to my advantage, getting some fleece washed- and am almost completely caught up! Maybe two more batches to go. Then there is no more greasy fleece backlog!
And I have some socks in progress for my nephew, but they are going pretty slowly on size 1 needles. (I should really stick to size 2 as my lower limit.)
In critter news, we got a new chicken last week!
Thought it was a rooster (that’s the whole reason he came to live with us- he had been a “town chicken”), but am now starting to think that it’s a pullet. But he/she seems to be getting on well and blending in with the new girls, so that’s good.
We had a big cottonwood or poplar (not sure which) branch come down in the pasture last week, and the sheepy boys are doing a bang-up job with the cleanup efforts! It’s actually still kind of attached to the main trunk of the tree, so the leaves have stayed green while the guys have been enjoying the buffet.
We’ve been knocking ourselves out doing garage and shop reorganization, but when I have a bit of break, I have been doing some more weaving- experimenting with twill!